

Sample Page

This is a sample page.

The front-matter of this page is:

layout: page
title: Sample Page
comments: true
date: 2013-06-23 11:20
sidebar: false
xyz: "This is a custom text."

Variable output:

${site.url} = http://wujun.net.cn
${page.layout} = page
${page.title} = Sample Page
${page.comments} = true
${page.date} = 2013-6-23 11:20:00
${page.sidebar} = false
${page.xyz} = This is a custom text.

A java code block here:

import org.opoo.press.Plugin;
import org.opoo.press.Site;

public class MyPlugin implements Plugin{
    //Construct MyPlugin
    public void initialize(Site site){